Who We Are

We are a group of people who love our Lord and desire for others to know Him as well.
Our mission can be seen in three processes that build off of one another: Encounter. Equip. Engage.

We first want you to Encounter our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (and maybe by extension us as LBC and what we have going on here) and learn what it means to receive salvation and follow Jesus with your life. We believe encountering Jesus, and following Him, is the greatest joy a person can find and all other aspects of that person’s life will be affected and enhanced by a relationship with Him. What we mean by this is that we want you to encounter Christ and come to follow Him in one of our worship services or through conversations with our members. Part of following Him with your life is getting involved in what He is doing and training for the work He has for us to do…what we call Equip. This for us comes in any of our small group ministries like Sunday School, DLife, our Men's and Women's ministries. After the Encounter stage we are all in the Equip stage, even while we are in the third process, Engage. In this third stage we take what we have learned and live it out by seeking to show those around us the reason we believe and live the way we do. We have such a joy from knowing Christ and we want others to know that joy as well. Essentially we are just doing whatever we can to show the world the love that Christ has shown us so that they may encounter Him as well. Its a process that we never want to grow out of!

Questions you may have...

What is a typical service like? A typical service here at Lakeside involves praise in song then a message from the Bible. Before and after the service people will mingle and catch up with one another.

What do people wear? People wear a wide range of clothing. Everything from jeans to dresses to a suit and tie. Come in whatever you’re comfortable in and you’ll be greeted with a smile

Are there activities for kids? Yes! We provide several activities throughout the week for kids. The nursery is provided for all services, Children’s Church happens during the morning worship service for toddlers through 5th grade. Mission friends (3 to 4 year olds) and Kidz Group (K through 5th grades) meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. We also have our student ministry that meets during Sunday School, Wednesdays at 6:30pm and Sunday nights at 6pm

Are there activities for all ages? Yes! For our worship services we are pretty much all together except for the nursery and Children’s Church. But the Sunday School hour (9:30am) we are split mostly by age groups (though there are a few multi-generational classes as well) to help you connect with people in a similar stage of life.

What if I don’t have my life completely together? Here’s a secret… none of us do! We are all imperfect people striving everyday to become more and more like our perfect Savior, Jesus Christ. We all make mistakes every day, but His grace is sufficient to forgive us where we fail Him.

What if I’m not a Christian?
We would still love for you to join us and explore your faith at your own pace. Plus, we would love to help you on that journey in any way that we can!

Of course, this is just a brief glimpse of who we are so we encourage you to join us for worship and find out more for yourself.